Over years, irresponsible humans have plundered the Mother Earth for their selfish greed. So much damage has been caused, leaving no hope for future generations. Our Mother Earth needs healing. We must focus on the way we consume Mother Earth’s resources. Our energy use, food consumption and our lifestyle needs a serious change. At BIPA, we are currently slated to work in Satara, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Assam and the North East.
These projects are extremely large and they would need multiple project partners and support.

Green Energy
Our current sources of energy have a huge carbon footprint and is the cause of the planet’s destruction. Hydro electric dam’s are a bad idea. Firstly they hamper the river’s natural path, secondly they change the topography of the land displacing and disturbing the natural balance of the thousands of years old river. Most importantly, dams disrupts and destroys the biodiversity of the surrounding area and of the river itself. Ancient indigenous communities who have been taking care of the river and sustaining themselves are displaced. USA and Europe are currently dismantling their dams. We need alternative energy sources. We at BIPA have been working on a hybrid green energy source. This energy source will help the indigenous and other communities to stop their dependency on wood and other unsustainable sources of fuel.
BIPA currently has partnered with a renewable energy company “5 Elements” and is offering Photo Voltaic (PV) solutions to housing societies, small businesses, villages and small towns. For more information do send us a message on the contact us page.
A drought is an event of prolonged shortages in the water supply, whether atmospheric, surface water or ground water. A drought can last for months or years, or may be declared after as few as 15 days. Human activity in unsustainable agricultural practices, poor land and resource management by the government, has created an environment for drought. The aquifers (Underground rivers and water bodies) have been drained by these so called ‘Green, White and Blue Revolutions’ in India. We seem to forget we humans don’t exist as singe species on this planet, we share this planet with other sentient species too – the micro organisms, bugs, birds, animals, plants and fish. We never took them into consideration in all of our decisions. This mono-crop industrialized culture of unsustainable agriculture must stop. Forest cover must increase. Mountains should not be cut down for building material. Rivers should not be dammed and mined for sand. Destructive agriculture must stop. These are the first steps in drought reversification.
We at BIPA, have a huge challenge in the projects we are slated to start in Satara’s 300 sq km drought area, Gujarat and Rajasthan. We are confident with our current project partners and with more willing to join in, we will definitely achieve these targets.
Solar Study Lamp
Currently in India, as per reports, 23 million homes in villages still don’t have power or electricity. The Government of India has set targets but due to certain circumstances these targets have not been met. With NGO’s and corporates stepping in and giving a hand, these targets can be met if executed on a war footing. Until then we can do our little bit by “lighting up the lives” of villagers with the help of the ‘Solar study lamp’ project for students in villages without electricity. This project will not only bring light in their lives, but will also help the young villagers use these ‘solar study lamps’ for their day to day study, final exams and will even serve as a light for cooking etc.
We have identified a few villages and partners who will help us achieve our immediate goals. Our Partner NGO’s are MPSM – ‘Maharashtra Prabodhan Seva Mandal’ run by Jesuits since 45 years in [Nashik] and CHINAR – Central Himalayan Institute for Nature and Applied Research [Lower Himalayas]. This project involves environmental awareness activities in Urban Schools along with other partners. We don’t just donate the lamps, we create a human connect program with the donor and the recipient with a focus on educating the children on sustainable energy. Having done this project on a smaller scale, we are looking to scale this up and partner with more willing partners.